The Mayor’s Corner 12/21/2016

This has been another wonderful week of Christmas activities from the Youth Symphony to the Extravaganza to the Living Nativity to Christmas Programs at the schools and churches. Christmas in Weiser is special. Be sure to take time to drive carefully around town to look at the beauty of the Christmas lights. The lights of Christmas are special.
Snow removal continues on the streets. The crews are planning to send a truck ahead with a speaker this week as they work down side streets to get some of the snow off. Drive carefully on the side streets where plows have not been down. A reminder to the good Samaritans plowing your driveways and sidewalks and those of your neighbors, please do not plow or throw snow into the streets. It makes berms in the middle of the streets and along with the ruts it makes it more difficult for small vehicles to get down the streets.
Home owners and businesses should keep snow on their own property. Many assume it is best to put it in the streets so it will get plowed the next time the City comes through but in the meantime the snow freezes and creates difficulties for the drivers. Please do not pile snow in locations that restrict vision or creates a danger to pedestrians.
I know there seem to be a lot of don’ts but we have been blessed the last four years with little snow issues and some people may have forgotten some of the normal procedures to follow. The City is trying to keep up and provide safe transportation on our main streets. The priorities are shown on the map on the City website and sometimes the locations that have lowest priority don’t get done due to the ongoing need to keep going over the number one priority streets due to the storm systems coming through our area. More storms are predicted so be prepared.
Remember to keep a small stream of water running in your house to keep pipes from freezing up. Close garage doors and windows on porches where pipes may be exposed. If you have elderly or disabled neighbors, please take time to stay in contact with them particularly during the winter season.
City offices will close at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, December 23 and will be closed all day December 26. If you need to make a payment, it can be placed in the drop off box across from City Hall or brought to the office December 27. The office will also be closed on Monday, January 2 and will open at 8:00 a.m. on January 3.
Another new year is upon us and it has the potential of being another great year. Remember to enjoy the New Year and its celebrations, but please be responsible and don’t drink and drive. Use a designated driver if you will be going out to celebrate.
In an article I was reading recently, I was reminded of a real truth. It asked, “what are you going to find at Christmas and in the New Year?” The answer given was, “I’ll tell you what you’re going to find: you’ll find what you’re looking for.” Don’t forget the Christmas Dinner put on by the C.O.P.s at the Senior/ Community Center on Christmas Day, a great time of good food and fellowship. Thanks to these folks for caring for our community.
I am looking forward to a good year with lots of new blessings and I pray the same for you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.