Protection of the public and private water supplies through containment and isolation.
The City of Weiser has a state mandated cross connection control program to protect the public potable water system and requires testing of backflow prevention assemblies. We also perform surveys to identify possible cross- connections and inspections for proper installation of backflow assemblies.
What do the following piping systems have in common?
Each of these water piping systems are cross connections which provide a means for potentially contaminated water and other materials to backflow into the drinking water system.
Backflow occurs whenever water flows in the opposite direction or reverse of the intended direction.
Suppose that a portable pressure washer is attached to a household faucet. The washer can create a greater pressure than the water main supplying the house. If this scenario occurs, contaminants from the pressure washer, such as solvents, grease, or detergents, could backflow into the drinking water system.There are other ways that backflow can harm the water supply. For example, pesticides and fertilizers could be back-siphoned from a hose spray attachment if the water pressure in the main water line is reduced due to a main break, scheduled shut-off, during the event of a fire where a fire truck draws a significant amount of water from the system, or a fire hydrant is opened for maintenance.
Backflow events are a major source of waterborne disease. From 1981 to 1998, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) documented 57 waterborne outbreaks related to cross- connections, resulting in 9,734 detected and reported illnesses.
From May 2002 to January 2003, the University of California studied 400 homes. Homes with a cross connection health hazard constituted 95.7% of the homes. 73% of all water uses were through unprotected cross connections.
If the due date passes and we have not received a test report, we will make an effort to contact the home or business owner to ensure that they are aware of the situation. If the device is not at that time tested in a timely manner, the customer risks having their water service interrupted until the problem has been taken care of.
All backflow testers wishing to test in Weiser must submit an annual registration to the City Water Department.
Bill Taylor, Superintendent
Mike Shepherd, Lead Operator
Office hours 7 am to 4 pm Monday - Friday
Phone (208) 414-1775
Emergency / After hours (208) 550-1373
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