The Weiser street department is responsible for thirty-seven (37) miles of streets and twenty (20) miles of alley right-of ways within the City of Weiser. The crews perform various maintenance tasks including snow and ice control, pothole patching, sign maintenance, chip sealing, leaf pick up, and alley clean-up to name a few.
The street crew works hand in hand with various agencies to provide traffic control and safety measure to ensure everyone has a safe area to hold their function whether it is the annual Christmas Parade, National Old-time Fiddle Contest and Festival, Alive after Five events, or helping the fire or police with traffic control.
The street crew only has six full time employees. When we receive a major snow storm we reach out to the other public works departments for manpower. The City of Weiser snow plowing priorities map can be viewed by clicking “street plowing priorities map) and it will show the priority streets we plow first. As you can see the hospital, schools, nursing homes, courthouse, doctors’ offices and local business are in the first priority.
The City of Weiser purchased a leaf vacuum machine to help with leaf disposal in the fall. This has really been helpful to assist with annual leaf pick up. We also provide alley clean-up service to our citizens on a bi-annual schedule.
Another service provided is the “adopt-a-truck program”. Weiser residents can call and request a dump truck be parked at their home (night or week-end) and be used for cleaning up brush, cleaning a garage, hauling off dirt or sod, or large quantities of yard waste. This is a free service to the residents of City of Weiser. We make every effort to keep our street signs up to date and comply with the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices). If you see a sign that is hard to see or read, or has been vandalized, please contact us so we can correct the problem.
Please call Ron McDaniel with any questions: 208-414-1965
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