The Mayor’s Corner 07/15/2020

Mayor Randy Hibberd

The City of Weiser has many features that add to the town’s livability. We have our quaint downtown, unique businesses, an exceptional hospital, our excellent schools, the musical traditions, our parks, our football field with the hillside seating, the fishing pond–and Mortimer’s Island. Without these amenities Weiser would just be another town like so many other small towns. With these amenities, we are a unique town with our own values and culture.
However, one of the town’s features– Mortimer’s Island– is being abused. To put it bluntly, the area is being trashed. There has been a problem with cans, bottles, paper trash, and fish guts for several weeks. Over the weekend, there was graffiti scrawled on the concrete and even human waste found. All of this is despite the fact that the City provides a large trash container and porta-potty within easy distance.
I want to make an appeal to those using Mortimer’s Island to please clean-up after yourselves. This is a unique part of town that is as fun and interesting as any forest. There is kind of a Tom Sawyer appeal to this area. The park is located at the confluence of the Weiser and Snake River. There are natural trees and growth with trails along the river leading to great fishing spots. This area really needs to be treated the same as any park or day use camping area. The rule of thumb is to leave it better than you found it. So, if you or anyone you know uses this park, please encourage them to treat it with respect.
Signs will be posted to remind those using the park to clean up after themselves. If people are unwilling to respect this public property, the City will need to take steps to limit the hours the boat landing is available. All it will take to keep it open for everyone 24/7 is to just treat the area with respect.
In Covid-19 news for the week, Weiser is up to 131 cases. This an 11% increase in one week. I would strongly recommend the use of face masks. As with most things these days, there are people who will say masks, distancing, and hand-sanitizing are of no use, but the science says otherwise. Please wear a mask when you are out in public. Also, if you are planning an event, please plan to hold it outdoors where plenty of space can be provided for distancing.
In city business this week, the Waste Water Dept. continues to replace the sewer line on E. 4th by Memorial Park. The Water Dept. is replacing 2 blocks of old water line on E. Liberty between E. 2nd and State St. Replacing these two blocks is this year’s installment of a program to replace all of the aging water lines in the city.
The Street Dept. is having difficulty obtaining asphalt to patch the streets. The plant in Ontario is no longer operating on a regular schedule. Please be patient as the City is working on other solutions for getting asphalt for potholes and other repair work.
Also, the Recreation Dept. is planning on having a Fall Soccer program, if it is prudent at the time.
In longer term planning, we are looking to strengthen the City’s ordinances in regards to weeds, abandoned vehicles, and other nuisances. Also, I am working on putting a committee together to analyze the financial, logistical, and personnel pros and cons of consolidating the Rural and City Fire Depts. and possibly the Ambulance District. There will be more on these issues in the future.
Well, that’s it for this week. If I don’t recognize you on the street, I hope it is because we are both wearing a mask. Have a great week!