The Mayor’s Corner 09/30/2020

Mayor Randy Hibberd

I hope everyone is enjoying the nice fall weather. This being 2020, we have to take the simple pleasures where we can.

Last week I had stated that I thought we would be dropping down into the “Yellow” category on our COVID-19 numbers. We did. Our numbers had gone down to a 14-day average increase of 2.1 cases per 10,000 people.

However, this week we have headed back up into the “Orange” region which is 2.6 – 5 cases/day. We have averaged just over 2.9 per day for these past two weeks. There are a number of factors that play into this increase, including school being in session.

All indicators are that this health risk is not going away anytime soon. The idea that COVID-19 will just disappear is not in the cards. The most reliable indicators are that it will be with us at least well into next year and possibly much longer. Even if a reliable vaccine does become available, it will still take time to eradicate this virus.

Therefore, we need to adjust to getting back to living while protecting ourselves and others around us. We already know how to do this: It is just a matter of carrying out the practices of wearing masks, keeping our distances, washing hands, staying home if sick, etc. We can hold events and get on with our lives – if we just use some self-discipline and respect for others. Beating this bug is up to each one of us.

Last week there was a power outage for an hour or so for about half the town. (The first thing I did was check to see that the City had paid your bills to Bonneville Power.) About 90% of the time, these occasional outages are caused by tree limbs getting on wires. Simply trimming trees would eliminate this problem. So, just a reminder to help your neighbors out by trimming the trees in your yard, especially near electrical wires.

It is also that time of year to begin cleaning yards in preparation for winter. The city will again be doing leaves and yard-waste pickup. Please rake your leaves to your curb. This allows the City’s vacuum to pick it up with little minimum damage to the equipment from rocks. Yard waste can be placed in the alley to be picked up by the City’s loaders. Please do not block the alley or place the waste on top of anything which can be broken by equipment, such as irrigation spigots or other obstructions.

Also, the Police Chief tells me there have been a spate of thefts of opportunity. Please remember to not leave valuables in your yard, especially bicycles. Remove valuables from your vehicles. Lock your cars. Also, as we get into colder weather, please don’t start your car and leave it while it is warming up.

All of these things are an open invitation to the wrong people to take advantage of you. Our police do a great job of following up and recovering items, but we don’t want to encourage those who would be tempted to take things in the first place.

Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you get out and enjoy yourself while the weather is good. The end of 2020 is just around the corner. Hope 2021 is MUCH better.