The Mayor’s Corner 01/27/2021

Mayor Randy Hibberd

I don’t know about you, but around our house, there are a lot of projects, both large and small, getting done these days. Since there aren’t many social activities going on, it’s a good time to take care of these projects. One room in our house has had the wood floor stripped, sanded, and refinished, with new paint on the walls, and decorations. The next project will be the kitchen floor, a new dishwasher, and re-grouting the countertops. In addition, I’m finishing up an online college course and working on wooden ship models. It’s nice to have the time to get some of these projects done that have been on the back-burner for a while.

In covid-19 news this week, our 14-day average of new cases is staying fairly steady at just over 5 per day. This is still in the “Red Zone,” however, the numbers are lower than they were at the peak in November when the average was over 11.

The end is in site with the vaccine. But, getting it to everyone will take some time. So, in the meantime, please continue to wear masks, distance, and wash your hands.

I’ve also been getting questions about when and how to get vaccinated. Currently, appointments are being scheduled for teachers, front-line essential workers who are at high-risk of being exposed, and adults age 65 and older.

Locally, Family Medical Clinic is the only outlet in Washington County for the vaccinations. This is due to logistics with storage of the vaccine and other conditions. The best source of information is on the Weiser Memorial Hospital’s website. There are videos and a Question-and-Answer section. There is also a telephone number to schedule appointments.

As for City business, the W. 9th Street project is coming along as planned. There was a delay with getting base down for the bridge due to ground water seeping into the hole, but the base is now in and forms are being built for the footings. Asphalt has been removed and was used for the footing base. The City Water Dept. is in the process of laying water pipe under the canal where the bridge will be, in order to provide a water connection for future development.

Also, I need to correct something I said last week. The City is not replacing electrical meters at this time. That project will take place in the next budget cycle. We are however, going around and taking a count of old meters so we will have an accurate number of how many need to be replaced. The City will then be able to budget for the purchase and replacement next year.

Well, that’s it for this week. Stay safe, and hope you have a good one!