The Mayor’s Corner 12/29/2021

Mayor Randy Hibberd

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! It happens to be my favorite time of year. To me, Christmas is special because of we are celebrating Christ’s birth. The tradition of giving presents at Christmas comes from the Wise Men bringing gifts to the Christ child. So, when watching the kids, both young and old, opening presents, and spending time enjoying each family member, there is a special joy other times of the year cannot match.

Whew! It really turned off cold quickly this week. Last week there were times when you could go outside without a coat for a while. Not so much this week.

That being said, Bill Taylor from the water department would like to provide tips for keeping your water pipes from freezing.
• Turn on cold water facets and let them trickle while freezing weather persists.
• Open cabinet doors to allow heat to get at the pipes.
• Close outside vents, crawl spaces and doors so cold air doesn’t seep inside.
• If you plan on going away, keep a minimum amount of heat on in the house. This will protect the pipes in case the temperature drops.
• If you plan to turn the heat off, drain all the water from the pipes, toilets, and water heater. Turn off the power source to the water heater. If your heater operates on gas, turn the heater to “pilot.”

These simple precautions can save a whole lot of trouble during freezing weather.

Also, this is the time of year when we can expect substantial snow. (Do you remember how much was on the ground by this time in 2017?) In the event of snow, please park your vehicles off from the street whenever possible to assist in the snow removal process. Keeping the streets clear includes trailers, basketball hoops, etc. Having the streets as free of objects as possible makes the snow plowing efforts much more efficient. This allows the plowing crews to reach all of Weiser as quickly as possible.

For those who may not know, there is a map on the City’s website showing the prioritization for snow removal. The downtown core and emergency centers (police, sheriff, hospital) are cleared first. Next are the schools and main traffic arteries, followed by the residential areas. The idea is to clear the critical areas first, then to provide cleared roads as close to as many people as possible, followed by the individual residential streets.

In other City news, Ken Anderson, of the Recreation Department wanted me to remind you we are still accepting applications for Girl’s Youth Basketball through Wednesday, Dec. 29th. The program is for girls in 3rd through 6th grades. If you want to sign up and have not done so – you will need to hustle.

Also, a questionnaire regarding the current state of the city and the direction you would like see happen in the future was sent out in your utility bills. There has been a great response so far. The results will be compiled and become part of the Comprehensive Plan that is in the process of completion. If you have not already done so, this is your opportunity to provide input on what you would like to see happen with Weiser. So, please take the time to complete the questions and return them to City Hall. You may also find the questionnaire on the City’s website.

Well, that’s it for this week! Stay warm out there and hope you have a Happy New Year!