The Mayor’s Corner 01/10/2024

Mayor Randy Hibberd

Cathy and I had a pretty quiet week. There were no grandsons visiting. Christmas decorations have been taken down and stored for another year. It’s January.
We did have a visit from my brother. He has been in construction all his life. We asked him to come by sometime to look at some fairly minor changes to our kitchen, steps, and back sidewalk. As we talked, different ideas came out and Cathy got excited and intrigued. I’m afraid this could get rather expensive rather fast.
This time of year is also fairly quiet around the City. The big seasonal projects have been completed, and the different departments are going into maintenance mode. The Electrical Department is busy trimming tree limbs away from the power lines. The mechanic is doing maintenance on all the vehicles as well as making sure the snow equipment is ready to go. The Water and Wastewater Departments take this time to completely go through all of their pumps and equipment to ensure they remain in peak operating condition. So, even though you may not see much activity, the crews are still staying very busy with more than just busy work.
Bill Taylor, the Water Department supervisor, would like to remind you that it is a good idea to leave a little water trickling this time of year to keep water lines from freezing up. With no snow on the ground to insulate, your underground pipes are at risk from the cold. A little water will be wasted, but the trickle is much less expensive than broken water pipes. So, please do yourself a favor and leave a little water on at night.
Ron McDaniel from the Street Department informed me this week that they have not yet completed leaf pickup. There was a breakdown on the vacuum. The part is supposed to be here soon and should not take much time to replace. If snow allows there will be one more pass-through town before the vacuum is retired for the season.
Speaking of snow, in the event of snow, if you are able, please park vehicles off the streets. This allows the snow equipment more room to maneuver on our narrower streets. Also, for the same reason, if you have a portable basketball hoop used in the street, please move it back onto the curb.
Something new that will be online soon is a new look for the City’s website. A while back, I had asked Weiser High School Alum, Kent Stampfli, now of Fruitland, to rework the site. Now, the new site is just about ready to go live. I think you will like the changes. Kent has done a great job of showing Weiser at its best! Thanks Kent!
Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you have a cozy week snuggled in your home and out of the cold.