The inversion certainly takes its toll on attitudes and brings out the depression in most. The grayness has many of us looking forward to snow and warmer temperatures. A reminder from the Water Department to keep a small stream of water running in the cold, weather to stay off frozen pipes. Hopefully, everyone remembered to bring in those hoses and winterized outside faucets. If you have concerns about frozen meters, be sure to call the office and they will get checked.
There have been some problems with the leaf machine breaking down but the crews continue to pick up leaves. The eastside was done once and now the crew is back on the west side again. They will begin to look around town for larger piles hoping to get them picked up before the snow comes in.
The Electric Department will be replacing a pole on the ally way of E. 4th Street. This is one of the poles that was evaluated earlier this year and marked as being in need of replacement. The crew will also begin tree trimming over the next weeks. If you have areas of concern, let the office know. We do not do private tree trimming but if branches interfere with or may fall on lines, we want to remove them.
The ordinance officer will be contacting residents who have trailers and unmoved cars parked on our streets to get them moved before the snow sets in again. If these vehicles have to be towed this year, it will be at the owner’s expense. We’re hoping for a much milder winter but we also learned somethings from last year so we will act on that knowledge.
Our Weiser Public Library will be holding their Christmas Open House this Thursday, December 14 from 4:00- 6:00. There will be refreshments and entertainment from the Weiser Youth Symphony Strings. Come in and enjoy the warmth and fellowship. While you are there pick up a good Christmas book to share with others.
Thursday is also a great day to send a musical greeting card to someone in Weiser. The VAT Studio Carolers are raising funds for a new floor and will be going out singing carols for a $20 fee. The carolers will be out in the evening between 5:00 and 8:00 pm, so if you are interested call Tori at 208-739-6004 for more information.
Friday night is the Weiser Youth Symphony performance at the Snake River Heritage Center at 7:30 and the Living Nativity begins at 6:00 pm at the Nazarene Church and will run through Saturday night. Christmas programs are already underway at the schools so check with the schools for schedules. Enjoy the activities of Christmas.
Congratulations to Margie Chipman and Kyla Dickerson for being honored at the Idaho School Board Association Annual meeting. Congratulations too, to Sarah Jensen for being selected as Miss of America. Proud mom and dad, Margaret and John can give all the details.
Even with the gray skies, it is heartening to drive around and look at all the Christmas lights. Thanks to the City crew for all the lights on the trees downtown and in the parks. They look very cheery. This can be a tough time of year for many so reaching out to each other is always good. My friend, Lyle, sent me an article last week about the importance of building bridges and not walls. Christmas season is the perfect time to reach out to build bridges in families and neighborhoods. Many times, it takes extra effort but knowing the effort was made adds to the joys of Christmas. Find someone who needs a lift and build a bridge this year.
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