The Mayor's Corner 12/18/2019

Mayor Diana Thomas

The weather is allowing our crews to continue getting maintenance work done. We are continuing to pick up leaves and they will begin trimming trees this week. There are still trees around town that continue to drop limbs so they will be trimmed or removed for safety reasons.

There has also been a contracted crew trimming trees along the canal. Idaho Power and the Ditch company have been working together to clean up along the canal in town.

The Wastewater treatment plant crew will also be out cleaning catch basins. Clearing away debris helps to avoid the pooling of water if we get rain and melting later on. Residents are asked not to place leaves and other items over or near the catch basins which are part of our storm water removal.

There will be a special meeting of the City Council this Wednesday, December 18 at 7 pm in Council Chambers. There will only be one item on the agenda and that is the report of the auditor and acceptance of the audit. The public, as always, is welcome to attend. We are expecting another outstanding audit report which is the culmination of the joint efforts of all our departments to provide quality service within the confines of our set budget.

At our recent City Council meeting, we share information about a program sponsored by our Third Judicial District. This is the Guardian Ad Litem Program which is provides Court appointed advocates to represent the best interests of children who have been placed in Protective Care in Idaho’s Third Judicial District. The advocates work closely with social workers, attorneys, judges, families and of course the children. These volunteer guardians are a child’s voice in regards to their health happiness, and safety. Volunteers must be 21 or older. They will have to pass a background check and attend training on their responsibilities. If you or some one you know would be interested, contact the Third Judicial District in Caldwell or our local courts through the County Clerk’s office in Washington County. These children deserve a voice.

Congratulation to the WHS choir on their appearance at the recent Steelheads’ hockey game. The choir represented their school and our community well in the singing of our National Anthem to begin the game.

We are excited to cheer on our own Miss Idaho, Grace Zimmerman as she competes in the contest this week. The final night will be broadcast this Thursday, December 19 and many watch parties are being held to support Grace. We are with you all the way, Grace and very proud of all you have accomplished.

Our sympathy and prayers go out to the family of former Washington County Commissioner, Frank Stirm. Frank gave many years of service to our area and I had the privilege of serving with him. He had lots of great stories about the adventures in Washington County. He is missed.

Remember the Ho Ho Express is this Saturday and they can always use wrappers at the high school if you are free to help about 10 am. Many families are blessed by this program.

Don’t forget to keep your vehicles locked when shopping or in your driveway. The temptation is too great for some people.